添加时间:2009-04-22 21:13:52 点击数: 9137 >> 我要发表评论
今年1月1日正式实施的成品油价税费改革方案,在年初就掀起了一股不小的风浪,大大提高了二手 车市场小排量、经济型二手车的交易量。尤其是小排量、售价在10万元以内的车型占主导地位,其中3到5万元的车型比重较大。
“今年受金融危机的影响,虽然二手车市场的整体情况有所下降,但是,我国的二手车市场的发展空间比较大,从去年的12月份,我们利丰集团实行二手车贷款业务以来,二手车买卖量和二手车置换业务量不断上升。现在在美国、英国等西方国家,二手 车交易量是新车的2到3倍,而在我国的情况却是相反,新车的交易量是二手车的2到3倍,所以,我国的二手车的市场的发展前景是广阔的。”张啸飞告诉记者。
据张啸飞介绍,现在小排量的二手车非常受欢迎,车商如今都在争先恐后地收购小排量经济型的二手车来卖。“多用油多负担、少用油少负担”的机制,也有助于进一步引导节能减排消费理念的形成,许多消费者在买车的时候,重点考虑费用问题。另据了解,现在的消费者大多追求时尚和新潮,车辆的更换速度也比较快,导致二手车的买卖交易量增加,而且新手司机也越来越多,买一辆新车来练手,真是有点舍不得,所以就会想到买一辆二手车,使用一两年,开熟练了再买一部新车,这样一来旧车卖了也不会赔很多,这也是二手车市场发展比较快的一个原因,就近几个月来的销售情况来看,我市消费者购车观念的理性调整也大大带动了经济型二手车的发展。” |
关于“ 小排量经济型二手车引领市场新方向”的评论 更多评论>>
>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2011年01月15日 15:09:06
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>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年08月23日 14:42:57
color dial, with the sub dials at 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock positions on the dial. The bezel is a tachymeter and this watch is used by motorists, sportspersons, and divers. These are sturdy and ingenious replica watches. color dial, with the sub dials at 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock positions on the dial. The bezel is a tachymeter and this watch is used by motorists, sportspersons, and divers. These are sturdy and ingenious replica watches. color dial, with the sub dials at 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock positions on the dial. The bezel is a tachymeter and this watch is used by motorists, sportspersons, and divers. These are sturdy and ingenious replica watches. color dial, with the sub dials at 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock positions on the dial. The bezel is a tachymeter and this watch is used by motorists, sportspersons, and divers. These are sturdy and ingenious replica watches.
>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年08月10日 18:06:05
are subtly combined to form the 8 pattern on the dial, looking like the sinuous racing track. The vertical lines within the zone are greatly similar to the type track of the flying racing car. The outside circle of the are subtly combined to form the 8 pattern on the dial, looking like the sinuous racing track. The vertical lines within the zone are greatly similar to the type track of the flying racing car. The outside circle of the are subtly combined to form the 8 pattern on the dial, looking like the sinuous racing track. The vertical lines within the zone are greatly similar to the type track of the flying racing car. The outside circle of the dial sweeping across the marking zone looks like the auditorium
>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年08月10日 16:37:41
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>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年08月10日 14:29:24
lack contrasting Arabic numerals, the watch displays the local time on the main dial, while a 24-hour calibrated bezel and an additional GMT hand keeps track of the home time zone. Beauty Watch Enjoy Beautiful Moonlight Night Appreciate the people lack contrasting Arabic numerals, the watch displays the local time on the main dial, while a 24-hour calibrated bezel and an additional GMT hand keeps track of the home time zone. Beauty Watch Enjoy Beautiful Moonlight Night Appreciate the people like to see the details of the moon and watch lack contrasting Arabic numerals, the watch displays the local time on the main dial, while a 24-hour calibrated bezel and an additional GMT hand keeps track of the home time zone. Beauty Watch Enjoy Beautiful Moonlight Night Appreciate the people
>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年08月10日 12:05:16
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>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年08月09日 18:15:34
takes to buy an authentic Breguet? No need to worry, you can buy a replica Breguet watch instead! Those from Breguet quartz watches have been in the business since 1775 and their past customers include Marie Antoinette and Napoleon Bonaparte. Breguet was the first watchmaker to patent the Tourbillon, this takes to buy an authentic Breguet? No need to worry, you can buy a replica Breguet watch instead! Those from Breguet quartz watches have been in the business since 1775 and their past customers include Marie Antoinette and Napoleon Bonaparte. Breguet was the first watchmaker to patent the Tourbillon, this takes to buy an authentic Breguet? No need to worry, you can buy a replica Breguet watch instead! Those from Breguet quartz watches have been in the business since 1775 and their past customers include Marie Antoinette and Napoleon Bonaparte.
>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年08月07日 10:49:06
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>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年07月27日 09:32:30
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