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二手 车交易过程中,“过户”无疑是非常重要的一个环节。但由于许多人不懂,以为过户很麻烦,结果因为忽视了对过户的办理,最终引来无穷的后患。专业人士透露,二手车交易过户本身其实并不复杂,只要车辆通过了车管所的验车和查验档案,便能顺利过户,而过户的分类也无外乎下面四种:






1.本地过户:办理时需要详细填写机动车转移登记申请表和机动车所有人信息登记表。买方如是个人,则需居民身份证复印件;如是单位,则需组织机构代码证的复印件。一般规定,如是个人购买二手 车,需要本人到场,如不能到场,需要有代理人持相应的证件,此外还需要携带机动车登记证书,机动车行驶证,机动车的数码照片,过户发票的第一,第二联,机动车验车单。带足这些单据证明,就可以到窗口办理本地过户了。


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>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2011年01月15日 15:12:58

manufacturing stage. Tungsten, though not considered as a strong metal, is extremely hard due because it was alloyed with carbon, thereby resulting in tungsten carbide. Tungsten carbide is considered as the hardest metal ever used in making jewelry. As a matter of fact, it is four to five times grea

>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年10月14日 11:38:19

arrangement of the p arrangement of the p arrangement of the p arrangement of the p
>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年10月11日 23:09:11

mething really different. Ed Hardy shoes feature the artwork of the "godfather of modern tatto," Don Ed Hardy, and the cutting-edge designs of Christian Audigier. With styles ranging from canvas slip-ons to distressed leather high-tops shown
>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年10月10日 11:00:46

s that would make them happier. The tan or black versions are probably the safest bets, but then, these winter boots do feature skulls and in some cases the gloomy message that "Love Kills Slowly," why
>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年09月18日 14:22:28

il Ledezma (0-1) and Fielder reached on an error charged to second baseman Neil Walker -- the second key Pirates error of the night.
>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年09月15日 13:51:06

s. The replica IWC split minute chrono has very incredible feature such as a minute memory device with a second minute hand timer and a coated sapphire glass that is scratch resistance to prevent damages. This watch is also very s. The replica IWC split minute chrono has very incredible feature such as a minute memory device with a second minute hand timer and a coated sapphire glass that is scratch resistance to prevent damages. This watch is also very s. The replica IWC split minute chrono has very incredible feature such as a minute memory device with a second minute hand timer and a coated sapphire glass that is scratch resistance to prevent damages. This watch is also very s. The replica IWC split minute chrono has very incredible feature such as a minute memory device with a second minute hand timer and a coated sapphire glass that is scratch resistance to prevent damages. This watch is also very

>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年08月05日 11:48:04

ome and abroad. About the Luxury Brand Status Index: As the only quantifiable measure of value and equity within the luxury segment of the US market, the LBSI stakes its claim as the leading authority in this arena. The defining ome and abroad. About the Luxury Brand Status Index: As the only quantifiable measure of value and equity within the luxury segment of the US market, the LBSI stakes its claim as the leading authority in this arena. The defining factor of the survey is its objective perspective on the

>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年07月24日 11:47:16

cts. Close dependent relationship between machine watch and wearer is very delicate. From a technical point of view, the two are entirely dependent on the relationship because no one wears, the operation of automatic mechanical watches can not turn. Whether or not the chain, or whether the self-winding, watch is a watch every move in the daily life gaining momentum. Completely rely on machines running the watch the human. Such as time-consuming to take care of your mechanical watch, you can imagine into the true feelings and a way of loving life, and many fans are keen on the machine watch feeling, keen to maintain. Of course, there is any other relationship between the wearer and mechanical watch, you and wristwatch just as the same as you and your car! Which better hand-gear and automatic gear? Although the automatic transmission may be more practical, but I like manual control, becaus

>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年07月19日 11:25:26

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>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年07月19日 10:42:12

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>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年07月17日 16:14:54

Maurice Lacroix Pontos introduced Pontos Rectangulaire nigrescent Chronograph

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>> 评论人:游客 IP: 时间:2010年07月17日 08:52:22

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